Baki – Tugasan harian anda yang sempurna - Kedai Web Chrome
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Baki – Tugasan harian anda yang sempurna


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SambunganAlir Kerja & Perancangan60,000 pengguna
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Gambaran keseluruhan

Baki - senarai tugasan yang sangat mudah yang akan mengubah Kehidupan anda

Each new day like absolutely pure sheet and every new day you can choose how to fill this day. Each time it is only your decision. Every new day you have the opportunity to go either the usual way or completely new way. Most of us devote a lot of time for work and little time for ourselves and our lives. It depends on the social priority - the modern world every day plunges us more and more into the race for financial well-being, which forces us to work harder and better, and forget about the pleasure that we can get from work and from life. That is why every new day you will start with two empty sheets of tasks that you will fill: each new day you have to choose between completing the tasks of the previous day or starting your day from scratch and go along the new path. You will have to divide Life and Work Tasks and write them in separate lists. Thanks to the separation of your tasks, it will become possible to pay attention to the existing imbalance between these two lists and direct your thoughts to what is actually so important, but is almost ignored. We have created this Custom New Tab extension exactly for people who feel that there is another life way and everything can change. And we will show that it is real. Life will change. Just try. --------------------------------------------------- By clicking "Add to chrome" you accept and agree to installing "Balance™" extension and setting Chrome New Tab to that provided by the service and the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The extension will update your search settings and will change your search engine to be powered by Bing. And some legal links below: Read few words about our team and contact us: Our terms of service: Privacy policy under protection: End-User License Agreement:

4.5 daripada 5329 rating

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  • Versi
  • Dikemas kini
    17 Mei 2023
  • Ditawarkan oleh
  • Saiz
  • Bahasa
    54 bahasa
  • Pembangun
  • Bukan pedagang
    Pembangun ini masih belum mengenal pasti dirinya sebagai pedagang. Untuk pengguna dalam Kesatuan Eropah, harap maklum bahawa hak pengguna tidak digunakan pada kontrak antara anda dengan pembangun ini.


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  • Tidak dijual kepada pihak ketiga, di luar kes penggunaan yang diluluskan
  • Tidak digunakan atau dipindahkan untuk tujuan yang tidak berkaitan dengan fungsi teras item
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