Extend your AWS IAM switching roles. You can set the configuration like aws config format
Switch role history does not remain only five maximum on the AWS Management Console. This extension gives you show all of switch roles from a browse menu by loading your aws configuration. ## Configuration ### Simple Configuration The simplest configuration is for multiple **target roles** when you always intend to show the whole list. **Target roles** can be expressed with a `role_arn` or with both `aws_account_id` and `role_name`. #### Optional parameters * `color` - The RGB hex value (without the prefix '#') for the color of the header bottom border and around the current profile. * `region` - Changing the region whenever switching the role if this parameter is specified. * `image` - The uri of an image to use on top of any color attribute supplied. The color and image are not mutually exclusive. ``` [profile marketingadmin] role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/marketingadmin color = ffaaee [anotheraccount] aws_account_id = 987654321987 role_name = anotherrole region=ap-northeast-1 ``` ### Complex Configuration More complex configurations involve multiple AWS accounts and/or organizations. - A profile that has only `aws_account_id` (without a `role_name`) is defined as **base account**. - If your account is aliased, you specify `aws_account_alias` in **base account**. - A **target role** is associated with a **base account** by the **target role** specifying a `source_profile`. - As above, **target roles** can be expressed with a `role_arn` or with both `aws_account_id` and `role_name` and can optionally pass the optional parameters. - If `target_role_name` is set in **base account**, the value is provided as the default role name for each **target roles**. ``` [organization1] aws_account_id = your-account-alias [Org1-Account1-Role1] role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Role1 source_profile = organization1 [Org1-Account1-Role2] aws_account_id = 123456789012 role_name = Role2 source_profile = organization1 [Org1-Account2-Role1] aws_account_id = 210987654321 role_name = Role1 source_profile = organization1 [baseaccount2] aws_account_id = 000000000000 [Base2-Role1] role_arn = arn:aws:iam::234567890123:role/Role1 source_profile = baseaccount2 [AnotherRole] role_name = SomeOtherRole aws_account_id = account-3-alias ``` If you sign-in a base account, target roles of the other base accounts are excluded. For more information, please visit the homepage.
- バージョン5.0.2
- 更新:2024年10月27日
- 提供元Tilfin Ltd.
- サイズ82.44KiB
- 言語English
- デベロッパー
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