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AWS Extend Switch Roles


82 ratings

ExtensionDeveloper Tools100,000 users

25 support issues

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Federico Bechini

Jan 3, 2024

more than one role_name for the same account?

This does't support more than one role_name for the same account? or something wrong Im doing?

aws_account_id = 123456789
role_name = read-only
color = a0c8a4

aws_account_id = 123456789
role_name = developer
color = e60f0f

Cindy Cuesta

Aug 16, 2022

Limit of 200 Accounts


I need to increase the limit of 200 accounts to be able to switch accounts. Is it possible? this is imperative for the business.

Seth Stone

Mar 27, 2022

How do I switch back to my original user?

In the native AWS Role Switcher there is an option for "Switch Back" while using an assumed role. Is there an equivalent feature in this extension?

Oleksandr Bozhuk

Nov 18, 2021

Amazon UI updated, plugin stopped working

Hi. With a recent Amazon UI update, for some reason plugin stopped working. Please advise.

Максим Бурцев

Aug 14, 2021

Failed to add more lines to config

My config includes 169 roles and 869 lines now and looks like I cannot add any more roles as I get "QUOTA_BYTES_PER_ITEM quota exceeded" as I try to save the config with more roles. Are there any solutions to increase the limit?

Dean Halbeisen

Jun 11, 2021

Cannot get extension to work on Chrome or Firefox on IMac running Big Sur 11.4

How can I further trouble shoot the extension not working on my Imac. I have even tried copying a working configuration from a windows host and it will still not list the accounts while being logged into the correct account on the management console.


Eloisa Ibáñez León

Apr 19, 2021

Does the pluging supports sso_* configuration parameters?

Does the plugin supports sso parameters included in aws-cli 2?
sso_start_url, sso_region, sso_account_id, sso_role_name

Tom Lynch

Sep 28, 2020

config file from previous release

Is there anyway to recover the configuration file from the verison before v2.0.3?

I had a lot of setup in that file and now it is gone and I was wondering if anyone knows how to get the previous file back to then migrate into the new version

disuan netsirininkul

Sep 25, 2020

Is it compatible with MicrosoftEdge?

I have tried to install this extension in MicrosoftEdge since it's able to install Chrome extension but it didn't work as expected.

Sivanesan TamilMani

Sep 25, 2020

All of sudden plugin stopped working

AWS have changed the UI, and all of sudden the plugin stopped working.

Google apps