Augments your Steam Experience
Augmented Steam is a browser extension by IsThereAnyDeal that improves your experience on the Steam platform by providing helpful information and tons of customization options. Some selected features: - Price details (current best, historical low) for any game or DLC sourced from many authorized stores - More visible highlighting of games you own or have wishlisted or ignored (also works with your IsThereAnyDeal Waitlist and Collection!) - Fine-tuned product search with search filters such as review count / score and Early Access - Sort and filter options for the market, games, friends, groups, achievements, badges and reviews - Links to popular websites with additional related information, plus the ability to add your own custom links - Quick / Instant Sell items in your inventory - Custom profile backgrounds and styles, visible to all users of Augmented Steam - Take and store notes about any game - Maximize information relevance by hiding unwanted content blocks from app pages or the homepage - Automatically skip age gates for NSFW content - Batch actions for various scenarios, e.g. registering multiple product keys or adding multiple DLCs to your cart at once - And many more! Augmented Steam is a fork and spiritual successor of Enhanced Steam, which has come to its end of life in February 2019.
- 違法なコンテンツを報告
- バージョン4.1.2
- 更新:2024年9月17日
- 提供元IsThereAnyDeal
- サイズ11.74MiB
- 言語English
- デベロッパーIsThereAnyDeal s.r.o.
U průhonu 1624/1b Prague 17000 CZメール
+420 720 519 661 - トレーダーデベロッパーは、欧州連合の定義に基づき、取引業者として申告しています。
- D-U-N-S496851034
Augmented Steam から、お客様のデータの収集と使用に関する以下の情報が開示されています。 詳しくは、当該デベロッパーのプライバシー ポリシーをご確認ください。
Augmented Steam は次を扱います。
- 承認されている以外の用途で第三者に販売しないこと
- アイテムの中心機能と関係のない目的で使用または転送しないこと
- 信用力を判断する目的または融資目的で使用または転送しないこと