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Glauber Franco

Apr 2, 2023


Can I send file line by line?

Dan Warner

Jan 5, 2023

Arduino Chrome Serial Monitor Sending Data

This utility seems to work fine for receiving data, but for sending data, it does not send CR or LF but the ascii character for these \n and \r so the lines are unterminated. Is there some setting to get this to work.

Thomas Hertwig

Jan 5, 2023

Sending data

Hi, I just started with Arduino on my Chromebook and was looking for a Arduino like serial monitor. After I had began to program my own one, I find yours. So I give it a try, but i can't send any data. Reception is working, but I can't send only one char ...
Sending with other serial terminals is working, so there is no open issue regarding the hardware or setup.

Maybe you can fix this and I will switch to your one ;)

Zulfan Khoirul

Dec 23, 2016

How it's work

I just learn how to get data from arduino (PORT) into browser in many ways. But it's to complicated if I'm using another computer to open it. Can you tell me how get data from PORT like this app?

Thanks by the way :)

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