Az elem logóját tartalmazó kép a következőhöz: BeFunky Photo Editor

BeFunky Photo Editor

4,1 E értékelés

Művészet és design200 000 felhasználók
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Online Photo Editing Application

Edit your photos. Create beautiful collages. Design stunning graphic design layouts. With BeFunky, you can do it all! We've taken the complexity out of the photo editing, collage making, and graphic design process with our easy-to-use, one-tap features. With our A.I.-powered photo editing tools, intelligent auto-collage feature, and professionally made design templates, BeFunky truly is photo editing and graphic design made for everyone! With BeFunky there’s NO ADS or registration necessary! TURN YOUR PHOTOS INTO PAINTINGS, CARTOONS, SKETCHES, AND MORE Our Artsy effects are the most unique feature of our Photo Editor. With one tap, your photos will take on stunning, artistic characteristics. From realistic textures to natural-looking brush strokes and saturated color palettes, our artsy effects will instantly turn your photo into a work of art! REMOVE BACKGROUNDS FROM PHOTOS IN ONE TAP Our A.I.-powered Background Remover intelligently detects the subject of your image and precisely removes the surrounding background. Perfect for changing backgrounds on product photography, portraits, and more! ENHANCE IMAGE APPEARANCE WITH A.I. There's a lot of trial and error and fine-tuning involved in enhancing a photo. Our A.I. Image Enhancer takes the guesswork out of photo editing. With a single tap, it'll make colors more vibrant and add a touch of contrast to enhance details, giving your photos what they need to really pop. POWERFUL A.I. MADE FOR EDITING FACES Our A.I. Portrait Enhancer gives you professional portrait retouching results, all in a single tap. Quickly enhance exposure, soften the appearance of fine lines and blemishes on all skin tones, whiten teeth and brighten eyes without eliminating freckles and beauty marks! CREATE PHOTO COLLAGES WITH A SINGLE TAP Automatically generate the optimal collage layout with our Collage Wizard. It can quickly and easily produce high-resolution photo collages without cropping or clipping a single image, so no fine details get lost in the process. It’s automatic collage generating technology like no other! ACCESS HUNDREDS OF FREE FONT OPTIONS Our Text Editor is packed full of fonts and customization options to add text to photos, designs, and collages. Choose from our collection of fonts hand-selected by our team of graphic designers, upload your own fonts, or use Google Fonts! FREE TEMPLATES FOR QUICK AND EASY GRAPHIC DESIGN Our design templates offer the perfect starting point for any project. You’ll find thousands of design templates created by our team of professional graphic designers. We provide templates for birthdays, weddings, small businesses, and more! Don't want to start with a template? No problem! Start your design with a blank canvas and let your creativity take over! GIVE YOUR PHOTOS A UNIQUE LOOK There's truly no limit to what you can create! Everything from Vintage and Chromatic effects to filters that make your photo resemble a Van Gogh painting is right at your fingertips. Are you looking to add a texture, bokeh, or a design overlay? You'll find all that and more in BeFunky. ACCESS HUNDREDS OF ADDITIONAL PREMIUM FEATURES WITH BEFUNKY PLUS Subscribe to BeFunky Plus on a monthly or yearly basis to gain access to premium photo editing, collage making, and graphic design tools. Easily access our Plus features across our mobile and tablet apps as well as on the desktop web browser version of BeFunky by simply logging in. Terms of Use:

5/4,24,1 E értékelés

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  • Verziók
  • Frissítve
    2022. augusztus 24.
  • Méret
  • Nyelvek
  • Fejlesztő
    BeFunky Inc
    329 NE Couch St STE 301 Portland, OR 97232-1332 US
    +1 503-479-5108
  • Kereskedő
    Ez a fejlesztő az európai uniós meghatározás szerinti kereskedőként azonosította magát.
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