Email Marketing Campaigns in Gmail: Gumbamail
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Send email marketing campaigns without leaving Gmail. Gumbamail is your simple tool for scheduling and sending mass emails.
Did someone say "Email Marketing from Gmail"? Now, with the Gumbamail extension, you can quickly send mailing campaigns to your contacts and subscribers without leaving Gmail. You do not believe it? Try the extension for free, no strings attached! There are very powerful Email Marketing platforms on the market, but they are not made for all audiences, since they tend to be complex and have high prices… And you don't need that much; you just need a simple tool that allows you to launch Email Marketing campaigns or send mass emails easily from Gmail. True? And if it also allows you to create your own templates with spectacular designs without the need to know HTML, even better. Gumbamail to the rescue! What is Gumbamail? ✅ Simple platform for Email Marketing campaigns within Gmail ✅ Mass mailing and scheduling service from Gmail ✅ Tool to send newsletters to clients without leaving Gmail ✅ Mail merge with Google Sheets or your Gmail contact groups directly What advantages does the Email Marketing Gumbamail extension offer? 📬 Create mailing campaigns quickly and easily Email marketing has never been so easy. Gumbamail allows you to send promotions, offers, news and other interesting content to your subscribers and customers without having to leave Gmail. Isn't it wonderful? You can also schedule campaigns so that the newsletters are sent when you decide. ✎ Professional email template design Use the best template editor to design responsive emails that adapt to your brand image and ensure that your subscribers can view them correctly on any device. Easily customize the template you are going to use in your email campaigns without having to know HTML coding. We have more than 100 professional templates! 📙 Simple mailing list management Import your subscriber lists easily from a .csv file, a Google Drive spreadsheet or from your Gmail contact groups. With Gumbamail you can manage the subscriptions and unsubscriptions in your lists in a simple and intuitive way. 🚩 No email sending limit. Promised! Unlike other applications or mass mailing extensions for Gmail, Gumbamail manages campaigns sending from its own system, so you can send as many emails as necessary, without worrying about any limitation. The limit is up to you. 🆓 Try Gumbamail 100% free. Yes, you read that right: 100% FREE. Do you want to try Gumbamail? Create a 100% free account, without obligation and for life, which will allow you to send up to 250 emails / month. You can also choose the plan that best suits your needs. Who is Gumbamail for? ✅ Sales professionals who want to get more sales, faster. ✅ Small companies or freelancers who want to simplify the process of sending newsletters. ✅ Anyone who wants to be more productive with their emails. Gumbamail is the extension that allows you to design, schedule and send email campaigns to your subscribers and contacts in the easiest and most comfortable way. Simple Email Marketing without leaving Gmail. Haven’t you downloaded our extension to send mass emails or run mailing campaigns yet? What are you waiting for? The most powerful and simple Email Marketing software has come.
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- Versão1.8.7
- Atualização18 de setembro de 2024
- RecursosOferece compras no aplicativo
- Tamanho1.31MiB
- Idiomas2 idiomas
- DesenvolvedorRafael Cabanillas CarrilloWebsite
Calle Auroriña, 18 Cercedilla, Madrid 28470 ESE-mail
+34 649 69 18 59 - NegocianteEste desenvolvedor se identificou como um comerciante de acordo com a definição da União Europeia.
Email Marketing Campaigns in Gmail: Gumbamail divulgou as informações a seguir sobre a coleta e o uso dos seus dados. Para informações mais detalhadas, consulte a Política de Privacidade do desenvolvedor.
Email Marketing Campaigns in Gmail: Gumbamail processa o seguinte:
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