Animals 2 Puzzle - Chrome веб-продавница
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Animals 2 Puzzle

Медијска ставка 2 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 2 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 2 снимак екрана


Part 2 of our animals jigsaw puzzles. Use your mouse or finger to drag the puzzle pieces (for touch & non-touch Chromebooks). The…

Part 2 of our animals jigsaw puzzles. Use your mouse or finger to drag the puzzle pieces (for touch & non-touch Chromebooks). The game is 100% free and fun for adults and youths! This new edition has even more different animals! (Part 1 is Wild Animals Puzzle: Jigsaw) Slide all the puzzle pieces to the right place and recreate all the different animals. Our game takes you on a journey through the jungle! The game has many pictures of different wild animals like lions, elephants, insects and many more. Every picture is cut into small jigsaw pieces and mixed up. Slide the jigsaw pieces to the right place and the beautiful animals wil appear. The more you advance, the harder the puzzle gets! The game as 4 different skill levels: • 5 levels of 3x3 jigsaw pieces • 10 levels of 4x4 jigsaw pieces • 20 levels of 5x5 jigsaw pieces • 30 levels of 6x6 jigsaw pieces Rate and +1 our game if you like it and also download our other free games! Copyright © MadRabbit Studio

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  • Верзија
  • Ажурирано
    15. фебруар 2016.
  • Нуди
  • Величина
  • Језици
    39 језика
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