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Neutral Face Emoji Tools


89 ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning20,000 users

33 support issues

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Kevin May

Jan 12, 2023

Gov Slack Support

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May 11, 2021

Doesn't Handle API Limit Errors

The UI indicates an emoji was successfully uploaded, but it does not take into account when the Slack REST API returns a 429 (API limit exceeded).

Mark D

Apr 19, 2021

Please add a cooldown / sleep to avoid 429s

I want to upload a lot of emojis and end up getting a 429 too many requests from slack, could you add a configurable sleep/ cooldown to wait when you get a 429 please?

Ralph Samuel

Jan 19, 2021

Rate limiting on upload

I think it would make sense to throttle your uploads since we start getting rate limited after about 25 or 50 uploads...

Diana Smith Flores

Oct 22, 2020

No longer working?

As of a day or two ago I noticed the extension is no longer activating on any of my workspaces. Not sure if slack recently made an update to render this incompatible?

Mitch Troy

Aug 19, 2020

Tool errors when I try to upload more than 10 or so emoji at a time

When I try to upload more than a few emoji at a time it shows for each emoji <Error: Unsuccessful HTTP response>

Luke Wilson

Apr 28, 2020

Not showing when no custom emojis added

Repro steps:

1. Navigate to the Customize Your Workspace page for a workspace with no custom emojis
2. Select the Emoji tab
- Expected: the bulk importer shows
- Actual: the bulk importer doesn't show
3. Import an emoji manually
- Observe that the bulk importer is now visible

Brian M

Mar 4, 2020

No worky

:sad-panda: no worky.. slack hates bulk uploading apparently.

Mike Stapp

Jan 30, 2020

No longer works

The extension is active but the bulk upload UI doesnt populate any longer. It was working last week but as of today it no longer populates with Chrome Version 79.0.3945.130.

Kevin Liang

Oct 19, 2019

I get this error when I try to bulk upload <Error: Unsuccessful HTTP response>

I get this error when I try to use the bulk uploader. I'm wondering if this is because I have uploaded too many in too short of a time spam. I have a script that scrapes many png/jpg/gif files for me and I just drag and drop it into the bulk uploader. Some of them work but some don't and produce this error. Once one of the one's produce this error in a single bulk upload, the rest all fail with the same error.

Was just wondering if this is a bug or if this is a limitation with the extension.


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