Support: Analytics Debugger
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Analytics Debugger

195 ratings

ExtensionDeveloper Tools100,000 users

48 support issues

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Jul 11, 2024

GA4 tab not working in my organization

Hi David,
First, thanks for this tool, I use it daily, and it helps a lot!
I have an issue that's probably related to my company's security rules on my PC, but I was wondering if you could give me a tip for that:
While the GTM/GTAG tab works perfectly, the GA4 tab won't load, it keeps displaying "A GA4 instance was found, waiting for hits", and never gives any result whatever the event.
Any idea how I could see it?

Patricia Mitterer

Mar 27, 2024

Tag Report: you need to be on preview mode to see this report

I cannot see any tags, though I am debugging via Tagmanager in the Preview Mode....
Any ideas how to fix that?

Aoun Muhammad

Mar 15, 2024

Support for Microsoft Edge

Does this extension work for Microsoft Edge?
I am unable to open the debugger window.

Kenji Sano

Mar 15, 2024

Any plans to include VWO goal debugging?

Im trying to debug some VWO goals and couldnt find VWO in the list of vendors. Any plans to include VWO in the future? This is for the VWO insights product.

Anna Khabibova

Jan 3, 2024

Analytics Debugger for Apps doesn't work

Hi, Analytics Debugger for Apps 1.1 asks for the update, after the update it doesn't work at all (the program just shut down). Not only for me.

Vũ Nguyễn Công Hoàng

Jan 2, 2024

SGTM Hit. Extra cookies or pixels may had been set/sent. See Server Side Block.

I got a Google Signals error when installing server-side and got the above error message. How can I fix this error when the tool reports the error above translated into English. I have enabled google signals on the server-side but still get the error. Thank you

Rune A. NoA Ignite

Dec 22, 2023

Extension not loaded on Edge 120.0.2210.77

I use your tool daily and have encountered a critical issue.
Until recently, I experienced occasional challenges where the tool wouldn't load in approximately 10% of instances upon opening the developer tools. However, since yesterday it got worse.

Now, I am unable to load the extension at all. It appears as inactive in the extension list (noted by its icon on the taskbar). When I check the extension manager, everything seems in order, yet the problem persists. I've attempted to troubleshoot by removing and reinstalling the extension, but this has not resolved the issue. To be honest I'm a little panicking 😫
Im on Edge 120.0.2210.77

Tue Dommergaard

Nov 13, 2023

GA4 Empty - sometimes


Sometimes when I debug specific websites the GA4 Debug is empty. GTM works fine, but the GA4 tab shows nothing. Other times it shows dc, page_view etc etc... can you tell me why the debug is empty for GA4?

Harvey Cooper

Oct 24, 2023

Issue loading the extension

Currently experiencing issues using the extension. Once the extension has loaded, the following message is shown "RESET SUCCESSFUL . RELOAD THE EXTENSION * You have to close and reopen the extension." however after reloading the extension I'm unable to use it and the same message just reappears. I have removed the extension and reinstalled it however that doesn't seem to fix the issue either. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

Andreas Westiner

Sep 27, 2023

Extension not working for Piano

Extension did work until day before yesterday but now it only shows "No tools detected". Piano Tag detector still shows the hits perfectly but Analytics debugger doesn't.

No other extensions installed.

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