Amino: Live CSS Editor - ‏سوق Chrome الإلكتروني
صورة شعار "Amino: Live CSS Editor"

Amino: Live CSS Editor

‫446 تقييمًا

الإضافةأدوات المطوّرين30,000 مستخدم
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نظرة عامة

muharir CSS almubashir. aktub CSS mkhssan li'ayi mawqie wib washahid altaghyirat fi alwaqt alfielii.

Amino is a free browser extension that lets you to write and apply custom CSS to any website, allowing you to customize colors, fonts, page layout and more. Your custom CSS is stored in the cloud and is loaded every time the page is viewed, allowing you to permanently customize your experience of any site you want. See your custom CSS in action on any desktop browser where Amino is installed. Turning it off is as easy as flipping a switch. Amino helps you write CSS faster with autocomplete, and our inspect tool will help you easily locate the elements on the page you want to style. With our Live Edit mode, you can see your changes applied simultaneously as you compose CSS in the editor. Our editor is packed with modern IDE features that make writing robust CSS or SCSS a breeze. Here's a full list of features that come with Amino: → Free cloud storage → Syntax highlighting → SCSS/Sass support → Autoupdate/Live Edit mode → Automatic indenting and outdenting → Inspect/scan tool to find selectors that you want to customize with CSS → Eyedropper and color picker tool → DevTools integration → Autocomplete/IntelliSense → Code formatting → Light/dark themes → Create collections → Manage/edit your CSS from anywhere at •·················•·················• Amino has been featured in: Chrome's ‘Top Picks’ in developer tool extensions, Smashing Magazine, Product Hunt, Designer News, Codrops, Sidebar, and elsewhere. Interested in writing about Amino? Send press inquiries to: For new feature announcements or just to say hello, please follow Amino on Twitter: For frequently asked questions visit: Have a different kind of question? Send us a message at: For documentation and guides on how to get the most out of Amino: For Amino's open source projects: By installing the extension or accessing, you agree to Amino’s Privacy Policy ( and Terms of Use ( TLDR: We care about user privacy. We will never sell your data. To learn about the permissions this extension requests: Amino's keyboard shortcuts: Open browser popup: CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE Open remote popup: ALT+SHIFT+SPACE (These can be modified at this URL: chrome://extensions/shortcuts) •·················•·················• Thanks for giving Amino a try. If you like our product, please consider leaving us a review. Sincerely, Team Amino Eric Uldall ( Timothy Long ( Happy tinkering! φ(..)

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  • لا يتم بيعها لأطراف ثالثة خارج إطار حالات الاستخدام المُتفَق عليها.
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