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Daniel Piñeiro

Aug 20, 2019

Version desactualizada

I have installed version 3.147 and it's not working properly in my google chrome. I see that there is a recent version (3.168) but it is not available to install in chrome web store.
Will it be possible to update it on this site?

Ionut Bochis

Mar 16, 2020

Install the greasyfork version 3.177 ( ), requires Tampermonkey addon

Joachim Weis

Sep 10, 2016

(mabe typically) German SL problem

I have ancountered a minor problem which maybe only appears in Germany:
Some roads here are marked as "Spielstraße" and have a speedlimit of 7 km/h.
Whenever I hover above a "Spielstraße" with my mouse, the popup reads "7 km/h (not valid?)".
Could you explain why this speed limit is not valid? Or is it a bug?

Thanks for your help

Chris Coulson


Sep 19, 2016

Thanks for bringing this problem to my attention. The "not valid?" suffix uses a simple test for validity - in most countries the suffix is added if the limit is not a multiple of 10, in a handful of countries it's added if the limit is not a multiple of 5.

I've now added an additional check within Germany for 7KM/H limits, and these will no longer be shown with the "not valid?" suffix.


Hagay Marian

Jan 9, 2016

Inaccurate Filtering

When using the filter "Last comment less than" there are many URs that are within the number of days set in the filter and yet showing.

Chris Coulson


Jan 11, 2016

Unable to replicate this issue. Note that if you are looking at an area with several "tagged" URs (i.e. that contain [NOTE], [CLOSURE] etc. tags in their description or comments), these will remain visible if the "Don't apply state/age filters to tagged URs" option is ticked - this is the only way I can get the script to show URs if their comment ages would otherwise cause them to be hidden.

Chris Leung

Nov 7, 2015

Needs too much access

Latest version requests permission to read data from all websites visited, not just Waze. Chrome flags this as a problem and asks to reauthorize permissions when you update it.

Wayne Epps

Nov 2, 2015


Please correct 3.57 to only view and edit Waze sites only (not all websites)

Roger McManus Jr.

Oct 22, 2015

Hide UR filtering

Having an issue with the hide UR's with last comment less than x days and last comment more than x days. there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to how the UR's are filtered out.

Orville Wright

Sep 14, 2015

Clear Road Geometry

With WME Toolbox v1.6.7, and the most recent version of URO+, v3.52, the Clear Road Geometry no longer functions.

Hagay Marian

Sep 9, 2015

Deleted camera

Deleted camera is still showing in my watch list.
How do I remove it?

Hagay Marian

Sep 19, 2015

Thanks. the ability to further scroll down the OWL tab was hidden.
Thanks for the help.
Issue solved.

Chris Coulson


Sep 10, 2015

At the bottom of the watch list tab in the "Remove cameras from OWL" section, click the button labelled "Deleted".

Bejey Muzones

Aug 11, 2015

Make an option to disable the place popup

I was (highly) recommended by a veteran editor to use this addon for my future Waze map editing. The only problem I had was the place popup window whenever the mouse hovers over a place.

It became an annoyance.

Especially in a large or zoomed area

I couldn't find an option to disable the Because every time I try to drag the map, sometimes I ended up "highlighting" because of the popup box. It's becoming tedious and suggest there needs an option to disable this.

Chris Coulson


Aug 21, 2015

There's already a "Disable popup for" settings group in the Misc tab.

If you haven't yet received the 3.50 update then you'll need to select the "Landmarks" setting (Landmarks was the original name for Places when these were first introduced to the map editor). As of 3.50 the setting has been renamed "Places" to avoid any confusion.

Tony Stewart

Mar 29, 2015

Causing WME to crash

UROverview has been working great for me for the last month; however, it hasn't worked at all today. In fact, it causes WME to become unresponsive. I have isolated the problem to this extension b/c WME only works when this extension is disabled. I have tried restarting computer and reinstalling app and nothing works.

Chris Coulson


Aug 5, 2015

Have never been able to replicate this on my Win7 development & test boxes. Possibly a transient error triggered by something on the Waze servers, or something specific to the Mac version of Chrome.

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