Amazing hex color picker - ‏سوق Chrome الإلكتروني
صورة شعار "Amazing hex color picker"

Amazing hex color picker


‫45 تقييمًا

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Just amazing hex color picker tool

تطبيق قواعد الألوان المذهل يساعدك على الحصول على HEX اللون من الصفحة. قد يكون صديقا جيدا إذا كنت مصمم جرافيكي أو باحث أو مطور برامج. الميزات: * أداة اختيار الألوان * تنسيق الألوان المتعدد: RGB، HEX، HSV * نسخ عند النقر * جاهز للاستخدام في HTML، CSS ولغات أخرى Introducing the Amazing Hex Color Picker! This powerful and easy-to-use extension is a must-have tool for any graphic designer, marketer, or software developer. With the Amazing Hex Color Picker, you can easily get the HEX color you need right from the page. Features: * Hex Color Picker Tool – Get the exact color you need with a single click. * Multiple Color Formatting – RGB, HEX, and HSV are all supported, so you can get the exact color you need. * Copy on Click – Copy the color you’ve picked with ease. * Ready for Use in HTML, CSS, and Other Languages – Get the exact color you need for your web design or coding project. The Amazing Hex Color Picker is the perfect tool for any web designer or developer. It’s easy to use and can help you get the color you need quickly and easily. With the Amazing Hex Color Picker, you can get the perfect color for your project in no time. The Amazing Hex Color Picker is the perfect solution for any web designer or developer. With the Hex Color Picker tool, you can easily get the exact color you need. Plus, with multiple color formatting, you can get the exact color you need for HTML, CSS, and other languages. The Amazing Hex Color Picker makes it easy to get the color you need. With the copy on click feature, you can quickly copy the color you’ve picked. Plus, you can use the color you’ve picked in HTML, CSS, and other languages. The Amazing Hex Color Picker is the perfect tool for any web designer or developer. With the Hex Color Picker tool, you can easily get the exact color you need. Plus, with multiple color formatting, you can get the exact color you need for HTML, CSS, and other languages. The Amazing Hex Color Picker makes it easy to get the color you need. With the copy on click feature, you can quickly copy the color you’ve picked. Plus, you can use the color you’ve picked in HTML, CSS, and other languages. The Amazing Hex Color Picker is the perfect tool for any web designer or developer. With the Hex Color Picker tool, you can easily get the exact color you need. Plus, with multiple color formatting, you can get the exact color you need for HTML, CSS, and other languages. The Amazing Hex Color Picker makes it easy to get the color you need. With the copy on click feature, you can quickly copy the color you’ve picked. Plus, you can use the color you’ve picked in HTML, CSS, and other languages. The Amazing Hex Color Picker is the perfect tool for any web designer or developer. With the Hex Color Picker tool, you can easily get the exact color you need. Plus, with multiple color formatting, you can get the exact color you need for HTML, CSS, and other languages. The Amazing Hex Color Picker is the perfect solution for any web designer or developer. With the Hex Color Picker tool, you can easily get the exact color you need. Plus, with multiple color formatting, you can get the exact color you need for HTML, CSS, and other languages. The Amazing Hex Color Picker is the perfect tool for any web designer or developer. It’s easy to use and can help you get the perfect color you need quickly and easily. Get the exact color you need for your project in no time with the Amazing Hex Color Picker!

‫4.6 من 5‫45 تقييمًا

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  • الإصدار
  • تم التحديث
    22 يوليو 2023
  • محتوى مقدّم من
    Danil Lypko
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  • مطوّر برامج
    البريد الإلكتروني
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  • لا يتم بيعها لأطراف ثالثة خارج إطار حالات الاستخدام المُتفَق عليها.
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