Web Page Sticky Notes
Sticky Notes For Web Pages
Web Page Sticky Notes Offload your memory by appending notes: - to a specific website - to a specific page of that website - to a specific element of that page - to any web page matching a defined scope FRICTIONLESS - Click & Type CONTEXTUAL - Page specific instead of cluttered note board SIMPLE - Most tasks are 2 clicks away INTUITIVE - Shallow functionality, Symbolic icons, Tool tips to fill the gaps CLEAN - Crisp icons, clean borders, unassuming VERSATILE - Picture frame, Video embed, RSS feed and more... PORTABLE - Synchronize notes to Google Drive and access them on another computer SECURE - Exports/Backups/Syncs are encrypted ***FEATURES*** - Synchronize to Google Drive - Encryption - Add/Delete/Clone - Minimize/Maximize - Resize/Double click edges to resize/Autoresize - Background/Text/Border color + transparency - Change Font properties - Bring to top/Send to bottom - Export/Import - Scope (Global, Domain, Page, etc...) - Manage all notes - Settings to override defaults - Pin note to another note, to underlying page - Lock note - Load media - Take snapshot - RSS Feed - Plain text/Markdown/Text formatting - More... !!!Important!!! Several people mention the fact that the extension does not work. One reason might be that the page has not fully loaded. It only works when the progress circle completes and the icon of the page shows up on the tab. Several people mention the fact that the notes do not persist when re-accessing the same page. One reason might be that the same page might have a different URL when you try to access it again (i.e. differences in the URL after the ?). Kindly provide an example under the SUPPORT tab if you believe this is not the case. The extension will also not work on the 'New Tab', 'Extensions' or other chrome (non-web) pages.
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- Versione3.2.9
- Ultimo aggiornamento:20 marzo 2024
- Dimensioni2.19MiB
- LingueEnglish (United States)
- SviluppatoreSito web
support@webpagestickynotes.com - Non commercianteQuesto sviluppatore non si è identificato come commerciante. Per quanto riguarda i consumatori nell'Unione Europea, tieni presente che i diritti del consumatore non sono applicabili ai contratti stipulati tra te e questo sviluppatore.
Questo sviluppatore dichiara che i tuoi dati:
- Non vengono venduti a terze parti, se non per i casi d'uso approvati.
- Non vengono usati o trasferiti per finalità non correlate alle funzionalità principali dell'elemento.
- Non vengono usati o trasferiti per stabilire l'affidabilità creditizia o per finalità di prestito.
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