19 support issues

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Jan 7, 2021

We have payed for ALIplugin Pro 69 USD, but it is impossible to install it on google crome. do you have information how to do it ? Aparently it is installed, but it is the same with or without. EXAMPLE: we can't download the HIGH quality pictures, etc..

We have payed for ALIplugin Pro 69 USD, but it is impossible to install it on google crome. do you have information how to do it ? Aparently it is installed, but it is the same with or without. EXAMPLE: we can't download the HIGH quality pictures, etc..

Noble Dandyson

Jan 7, 2020

how i can retrieve aliplugins download page

hi i have paid for aliplugins and there is no space in my phone to download it.so downlaod stoped .i can't access the plugins.please how can i download it in my laptop.i did not receive email from you or invoice.i need assistance please .suport is not responding thanks
my email ;nobledandyson@gmail.com i have my licenses key

אביתר בורגוש

Oct 7, 2019

Problem with an out of date version extension

Hello I've been looking for them for a few days now
I purchased the plugin from you and updated it
Only I have a problem The WordPress site is asking me to update the 7.3 hph plugin
How can I contact them I have a few more questions


Oct 4, 2019

not authorize

say to me can not authorize


Jul 3, 2019


Исправьте ошибку - [03-Jul-2019 05:41:33 UTC] PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'type' in /home/kknkujzx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/alipro/includes/Ali/AliImport.php on line 0


Jun 27, 2019

Импорт счетчика перестал работать

Счетчик перестал работать показывает 0/48 нажимаю импорт цифра 0 стоит на месте. Но импорт на самом деле идет WORK, общим не понятно что происходит. Исправьте пожалуйста.

Michael Francis

Jun 14, 2019

Chrome Extension not Importing

The Chrome extension Ver. AliPlugin Pro is not importing products. It asks for authorization even though it has been authorized. I have contacted your support and was told that the plugin, etc. needs to be updated. All this has been done and the extension still does not work.

שלוש ארבע ו

May 20, 2019

לא יכול לייבא

התוסף אינו נותן לייבא כלל והוא שולח להוריד את התוסף מחדש אפילו שהוא מותקן באתר

Silvia Yanes

May 19, 2019

no puedo importar desde hace 6 dias

Hola no puedo importar productos a mi web, he intentado todo, desintalar todos los plugin, navegadores extenciones y nada no me deja

Игорь Заяц

May 18, 2019

Обновление расширения Aliplugin Pro

Здравствуйте! После обновления расширения Aliplugin Pro, перестал работать импорт товаров.

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