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Tab Wheel Scroll

102 ratings

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Sly Morrison

Mar 10, 2017

Chrome Tabs

Hello, first of all, thank you for this excellent extension.

I do not understand programming, but I saw this extension: Peek-a-tab, Tabs Manager for Google Chrome, and I think it might contain the solution to the problem of tabs chrome://, Chrome Web Store, pdf's, tabs generated by other extensions, new tab, etc.

In this extension, there is a setting that lets you browse a list of open tabs just by hovering over their names. This works even for system tabs and offline files. In my view the action of this extension is identical to ALT + SCROLL.

Please take a look. Thank you.


Samo Oglas

Nov 25, 2016


add mouse rightOneClick to close tab and you have all options what users missing in Chrom, I forget; tab click open behavior
If you manage to make smoothing simple like this
You can probably get donation


Jul 12, 2016

Dont Work

In last version Chrom dont wrork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zhou wei

May 23, 2016

Is it support Chrome 50.0.2661.102 m

Installed on Chrome 50.0.2661.102 m, but seems it's Not work! Is it support on the Chrome verson ?


Feb 18, 2016

Use without ALT or Right-Click?

Hello, would it be possible to get an option to scroll through tabs without having to use a modifier?

Christopher Dobson

Dec 14, 2015

Doesn't work on chrome internal pages

On the "This webpage is not available" internal chrome page, alt + middle mouse wheel is not possible.

Ehud Eliasaf

Jul 21, 2015

why can't it be like coolnovo?

chromeplus or coolnovo project that is now closed had the perfect way - mouse on the tabs and just scrool


Jul 9, 2015


Hi there,

I keep getting a popup that I think is associated with this (great) plugin, which says something about maximum hotkeys - usually when I'm using the mousewheel in other applications, with Chrome still open in another window?

Any thoughts? It says to check 'help' but I'm not sure where help is?


Maple Leaf (A maple leaf)

Jun 28, 2015

Way 3

Put the mouse on tabs,just use the mouse wheel.Thank you!

Fabio De Bartolomeo

Jun 25, 2015

Problema di compatibilità

Non è compatibile con crxMouse Chrome Gestures

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