Norbert helps you find any corporate email addresses, manage your leads and gain a lot of time while Norbert work.
VoilaNorbert helps you find any corporate email. It is trusted by companies like Intel, Twitter, Oracle, SAP, Airbnb and many more! VoilaNorbert will add a search button on the profile and search pages of popular sites like : - Angel.co - Crunchbase - Buzzsumo ... and many more to come! Find your leads email address and contact information on any websites simply by clicking on my button. All your leads can then be exported, added into custom-made lists and/or contacted directly from Norbert with advanced tracking tools to know if they opened or even clicked on your emails. The 50 first searches are free! You can create an account at https://app.voilanorbert.com — after that, I am charging you either per month or per credits. Feel free to send us an email at me@voilanorbert.com ! Website : https://www.voilanorbert.com Twitter: @voilanorbert
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