Easily generate AI comments and replies for Facebook posts using ChatGPT, and boost your engagement in seconds!
Unlock the power of content with ChatGPT - the ultimate browser extension for accessing ChatGPT! Click Ctrl/⌘+M to use OpenAI Chat GPT on Facebook™ website anywhere. This extension has a revolutionary new UI for using ChatGPT on Facebook™ sites. Here's how it works: ➡️ Simply select any online content by your mouse in Facebook™ website ➡️ Click on Cmd+M (Mac) or Ctrl+M (Windows) to open extension ➡️ Choose what you want to do with it (create a reply, comment, make it shorter, or add some fun) ➡️ Click the switch icon, extension will automatically jump to https://chat.openai.com/chat ➡️ Click "Copy to " button on https://chat.openai.com/chat, extension help you copy response back to Facebook™ page. ➡️ And voila! You'll get an 80% done reply at your fingertips. This extension brings the power of OpenAI's GPT-3 to your browsing experience, GPT-3 is focused on reliability and keeping up with recent changes. Features: Easily access extension by clicking in the toolbar. The popup will appear and you can start an AI conversation. Quickly access chat.openai.com/chat from the navigation bar pressing space. Get answers from web pages on popular. We strive to keep up with the fast-paced development of GPT-3 to bring you the best possible experience. If you encounter an error, try opening OpenAI again. The service may be under high demand. If you continue to experience issues, please report a bug in the review section of our extension's page. If you have any difficulties reach out to WhatsApp ID: +86 180 2303 4541 or email to nathanskovalchik9095@gmail.com Facebook™ is a trademark of Meta Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. This is an independent project and has no relationship to Meta or Meta Inc.
- Verze1.2.13
- Aktualizováno10. ledna 2024
- Autornoahabigail365
- Velikost1.79MiB
- JazykyJazyky: 55
- Vývojář
noahabigail365@gmail.com - Neobchodnický subjektTento vývojář se neidentifikoval jako obchodník. Spotřebitele v Evropské unii upozorňujeme, že se na smlouvy mezi vámi a tímto vývojářem nevztahují spotřebitelská práva.
Ochrana soukromí
Vývojář deklaruje, že vaše údaje
- Nebudou prodány třetím stranám, s výjimkou schválených případů
- Nebudou použity nebo předány za účelem, který nesouvisí s hlavní funkci položky
- Nebudou použity nebo předány pro potřeby určení úvěruschopnosti nebo za účelem poskytnutí půjčky