Kawasaki Ninja Theme For Chrome - This Theme Is Free To Download & Comes With Free Lifetime Updates... •CHROME THEMES ->-…
Kawasaki Ninja Theme For Chrome - This Theme Is Free To Download & Comes With Free Lifetime Updates... •CHROME THEMES ->- chromethemer.com •PHONE WALLPAPERS ->- spliffmobile.com Easily Download My Free Kawasaki Ninja Chrome Theme Right Now For Your Google Chrome Browser!... This Theme Features 1080p Full HD Resolution And Displays Perfectly On Most Compatible Devices...All my themes are sized 1920 x 1080 pixels, that translates into a full 1080p HD display on most small, medium or even larger laptop and PC screens... If you have a super large screen please contact me directly via e-mail and I will set up a 4k Ultra HD download for you in the chrome store... The reason I can do this is because I design all my backgrounds and elements at Ultra 4K then compress and optimize the theme down to 1080 x 1920 px to be used for the final theme... I find that this size works beautifully for most people, but like I said if you have a super large screen and you want a more smooth and crisp display, I can help you out too. Soon... I hope to make all themes downloadable in 4K and even larger sizes. Thank you for your ongoing support!... See More... chromethemer.com - Free Google Chrome Themes
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- Verzia1.1
- Aktualizované29. novembra 2023
- Veľkosť2.52MiB
- JazykyEnglish (United States)
- VývojárChromeThemer.comWebové stránky
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arnoldvdh501@gmail.com - Neobchodný subjektTento vývojár sa neidentifikoval ako obchodník. Upozorňujeme, že práva spotrebiteľov v Európskej únii sa nevzťahujú na zmluvy uzavreté medzi vami a týmto vývojárom.
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