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AEM Chrome Plug-in

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Devtools panel for AEM development. Includes in-browser Log Tracer and Adaptive Forms development tooling

AEM Chrome Plug-in is comprised of 2 main modules: 1) Log Tracer surfaces per-request server side data quickly and conveniently into your Chrome dev tools panel. AEM Chrome Plug-in leverages Apache Sling Log Tracer to collect: a) Logs (customizable packages / log levels) b) Request Progress c) Queries 2) Adaptive Forms: a robust suite of AEM Adaptive Form developer tools! ----- To use AEM Chrome Plug-in - Log Tracer you must be be using AEM 6.1+ and Apache Sling Log Tracer 1.0.0+. Note this is a development tool and also requires credentials that can access AEM's Felix/Web Console. To use AEM Chrome Plug-in - Adaptive Forms your AEM 6.2+ instance must be running with the AEM Forms Feature Pack. --- v0.2.0: Added AEM Adaptive Forms support v0.2.1: Added Log Tracer file download support v0.2.2: Bug-fix for auto-detection of active tab host/port v0.2.3: Adaptive form bug fixes v0.2.4: Adaptive form Logging tab labels (XGA > Model) v0.2.5: Options screen OSGi status detection bug v0.2.6: Fixes issue w/ Log Tracer host removal filter did not stripping IPs properly v0.3.0: Tracer plugin supports LoggerNames v0.3.1: Tracer plugin LoggerNames would not be requested if no Tracer Sets were specified v0.4.0: Tracer plugin supports show/hide of caller for log messages v0.5.0: UX improvements; Simplification of Options, removal of tracer set IDs, resizing of requests/details v.0.6.0: Tracer plugin supports decoupling the browser tab host from the host(s) that supply Sling Log Tracer data. v0.6.1: Tracer plugin, failure detection support dropped to 2s, and better instructions are added to Logger Names tab. v0.6.2: Tracer plugin, corrected abusive Sling Log Tracer availability check v0.6.2: Tracer plugin, Better handling of tab binding v0.6.4: Tracer plugin, Binding AEM devtools to the Chrome tab that opened it v0.6.5: Tracer plugin, Hide passwords in Options, Better support for collecting tracer data across hosts v0.6.6: Tracer plugin; Tab text cut off in new versions of Chrome v0.7.0: Tracer plugin; 1-click enablement of Sling Log Tracer Servlet and shows # Queries in the requests list v0.7.1; Tracer plugin; Fixed issue w/ 1-click setup on Chrome 72+; Form plugin: Fix issue where toolbar doesn't show up in component hierarchy v0.7.2: Fixed extension background when Chrome is in darkmode theme

4.6 星(5 星制)17 个评分

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Rock Liang2016年10月6日



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    English (United States)
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