Delete Facebook™ Posts, Photos, etc.
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Delete Facebook™ Activity - Posts, Comments, Messages, Photos, Videos
With this extension you can mass delete Facebook(TM) posts, photos, and other activity. You can also delete page posts - fan page delete post/delete post from facebook page. This extension will now delete twitter(TM) tweets. You must set your Twitter language to English and go to your profile page. From there, open the extension and click the button to delete twitter activity! *** You must set your facebook language to English(US) for this extension to work *** *** This extension will not work on classic layout! *** *** This app is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Facebook(TM) or Twitter(TM). The use of the Facebook(TM) or Twitter(TM) trade name or trademark is for identification, reference or descriptive purposes only and does not imply any association with Facebook(TM) or Twitter(TM) or their product brand.*** Bulk deleting posts on Facebook(TM) or Twitter(TM) has never been easier! With this extension you can mass delete all of your Facebook(TM) history or select a specific year or year and month to delete. Navigate to Activity Log by clicking the down arrow next to the question mark icon in the top right of. Click Activity Log. You can start deleting directly from the Activity Log, or you can click a filter in the left menu to delete specific post types. To delete messages, browse to the Messages page, click the extension icon, the select the Messages toggle button. Changelog: ---------- v6.9.1 - Minor change to colors to make it more visible in dark mode v6.9 - Fixed issue with extension not capturing the correct date when error occurs. v6.8 - Fixed Facebook Delete from page v6.7 - Fixed twitter / X v6.5 - Fixed Delete Messenger v6.4 - Add delete videos v6.3.1 - Fix delete photos v6.3 - Better handling of activity that won't delete v6.2.7 - Skip activity that won't delete v6.2.6 - Added Year and Month selections to Activity Log Delete v6.2.5 - Fix delete from page v6.2.4 - Handle facebook message "Nothing to show" - Handle page hanging with no activity to delete v6.2.3 - Fixed delete from Group v6.2.2 - Fixed delete messages v6.2 - Fixed delete from page v6.1.8 - Added block all friends v6.1.7 - Moved settings to new menu v6.1.5 - Fixed delete from page bug v6.1.2 - Fixed delete messenger bug v6.1 - Extension can now delete from the photos section and photo albums of facebook v6 - Interface is more user friendly - Go to Facebook button now takes you to activity log v5.0.9 - Updated to manifest v3 v5.0.8 - Fixed remove tag v5.0.7 - Fixed Messenger not deleting 5.0.6 - Fixed Delete twitter retweet v5.0.5 - Fixed Delete From Page v5.0.3 - Updated Free Trial message v5.0.2 - Add twitter delete from advanced search v5.0.1 - Fix twitter getting hung on replies v5 - now works with twitter v4.21 - code cleanup v4.20 - fixed Messenger delete v4.18 - Handle Error Performing Query v4.17 - Fixed Remove Tag - Fixed Unvote v4.16 - Fix continuous scrolling v4.15 - Update to work with new activity log layout v4.14 - News and announcements. v4.13 - Fixed endless scrolling. Facebook recently released an update that caused the extension to not recognize certain activity. v4.12 - Remove link only/status activity - no buttons to delete v4.11 - Key icon added to license status area. License key displays when key icon is clicked. v4.10 - Delete from Activity Log where Text Contains or Text Does Not Contain v4.9 - Fixed bug in Delete From Page v4.8 - Fixed bug in Delete Messages v4.7 - code cleanup/optimization v4.6.1 - Bugfix: Delete from page failed to start when most recent post within last hour v4.6 - Delete from page now available v4.5 - Added Stop button to main screen - Restored fast throttle options - now with warning v4.4 - Removed dead Purchase link v4.3 - Now works with Brave and other browsers. v4.2 - Remove fast throttle. Feature is still available via "experimental features" toggle switch. v4.1 - Added Language check. If your language is not set to English (US) you will see a red alert box at the top of the popup. v4.0 - Changed payment processor to PayPal. v3.0.10 - Checks facebook language and displays message if you language is not set to English (US) v3.0.8 - Added throttling - Refresh page on facebook error v3.0.4 - Fix bug where photos were not deleted v3.0.4 - Additional work on delete popup v3.0.3 - handle delete popup v3.0 - works with new facebook layout v2.1.9 - Accommodate change to delete dropdown v2.1.8 - Fixed bug loading [More Activity] v2.1.7 - Free for the month of January 2020! v2.1.5 - added throttling v2.1 - added delete specific activity v2.0.3 - added remove event invitation v2.0.2 - prevent page refresh if unable to delete post or reaction v2.0 - Extension is now language agnostic. If you have issues with the extension not working, please email and we will investigate the issue. - Remove tags - Activity Delete processes have be rewritten from the ground up. - Removed logging to speed up the extension - Changed the way additional activity is loaded to speed up extension v1.7.15 - Delete when available, otherwise, hide from timeline. - Handle popups quicker - Remove console logging v1.7.13 - Updated extension to circumvent changes to delete procedure v1.7.12 - fixed mass photo delete v1.7.10 - fixed delete by date v1.7.9 - added refresh interval. Users reported that the page was refreshing before older posts could be deleted. The refresh interval allows for more time for the extension to scroll to older posts before refreshing v1.7.8 - fixed license not carrying over after refresh v1.7.7 - fixed notification bug showing complete when still running v1.7.6 - Update to fix only displaying first 5 posts for a given day v1.7.5 - Mass Delete Photos and Videos now available v1.7.4 - Mass Message Delete fixed v1.7.3 - Fixed unlike not erasing v1.7.1 - Full version unlocked for the month of September 2018 v1.7 - intuitive ui v1.6 - Added message deletion v1.3.2 - bugfix - delete by date not recognizing popup confirmation v1.3.1 - Added delete by date
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- Versão6.9.1
- Atualização28 de janeiro de 2025
- RecursosOferece compras no aplicativo
- Tamanho1.73MiB
- IdiomasEnglish (United States)
- DesenvolvedorWebsite
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