1,536 support issues

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Office Maile

Jul 11, 2023

বাংলা ফন্টে লেখা যাচ্ছে না।

বাংলা ফন্টে লেখা যাচ্ছে না।

Kaoru Sekine

May 15, 2022

Adding Biz UD Fonts as selection

Morisawa BIZ UD Mincho and Gothic are now available as SIL OPEN FONT License in GitHub and Google Fonts. Please consider adding these fonts to the list of the font selection. https://fonts.google.com/?query=biz

sue shatto

Mar 31, 2022

font size

japanese instead of english And size is unreadable

samshul huda SR

Feb 20, 2022

On the "Advanced settings" page, it goes to Japanese and I can't change it.

On the "Advanced settings" page, it goes to Japanese and I can't change it.

Ken Howes

Nov 1, 2021

font settings

When I open this up it goes to Japanese and won't let me go to anything else. Is there a way of getting to the fonts that I would customarily use?

Ronnie Mcdaniel

Oct 20, 2021


i have a split screen and top is magnifiednand bottom regular and system reset too

Ken Howes

Aug 5, 2021

Advanced font settings

On the "Advanced settings" page, it goes to Japanese and I can't change it.

Kevin Kelly

Jun 26, 2021

Minimum font size

The 'minimum font size' setting seems to be global, which is weird because it would be useful to be able to set a minimum for particularly hard to read scripts, but when I try to do so it changes the size of all fonts in all languages.

Kathy Watt

Jun 20, 2021

Font size of tool bar and search bar

How do I increase the font size of the search bar?

How do I increase the font size of the tool bar above?

I have a ASUS Chromebook Flip 434.

Thanks so much,


Stéphane Haran

Jun 13, 2021

Bonjour , je voudrais accéder à des caractères plus exotiques qu'occidentaux , chinois par exemple , merci .

Bonjour , je voudrais accéder à des caractères plus exotiques qu'occidentaux , chinois par exemple , merci .

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