ZipZap.AI-Immersive Multilingual Translation
The best immersive multilingual translator ✨ and AI assistant, supports the most advanced GPT-4 model
🚀 Quick Start & 👉 Main Features 1️⃣ Free immersive translation: When reading foreign language content on Twitter, Discord, etc., hover your mouse to automatically translate into your native language. 2️⃣ For major communities like Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Telegram, etc., it can translate what you write in your native language into the needed foreign text when posting or replying to content. 3️⃣ Click the ZipZap.AI icon in the lower right corner of any webpage to bring up the sidebar AI chat. The hover icon can be dragged anywhere. 4️⃣ Get 10 free ZPoints to casually chat with ZipZap.AI, enough for daily use. 5️⃣ 7 days of free subscription trial, don't worry and feel free to try it out. -------- What is immersive translation? When hovering over foreign language content on webpages, it is automatically translated. ZipZap.AI's immersive translation feature, powered by strong generative AI language models (ChatGPT), enables seamless, immersive and uninterrupted highly professional and efficient translation when browsing websites like Twitter, Discord and more, completely free of charge, requiring only the download of the ZipZap.AI browser extension. How do I use immersive translation? Once you've installed and logged into the ZipZap.AI browser extension, when browsing any foreign language websites, simply hover over the text you want translated and it will automatically translate to your default local language. It's all highly automated and extremely convenient, requiring minimal setup on your part. How do I install the ZipZap.AI browser extension? On the ZipZap.AI homepage or downloads page, follow the installation instructions to download the extension for your browser version. Note: Upon successful download, follow the prompts to pin ZipZap.AI as a commonly used extension for easy access later. Is ZipZap.AI free? You can start using ZipZap.AI for free, with free users getting 10 ZPoints and verified Twitter users getting an additional 10 ZPoints for free, to translate around 15,000 characters. For more advanced features, you can upgrade to a paid subscription plan anytime. What is ZPoints? (Credits) ZPoints is the currency on the ZipZap.AI platform. Applications like translation consume tokens from the respective AI models. ZPoints consumption occurs according to the pricing for the model tokens. By purchasing more ZPoints, users unlock advanced subscription features. Please note ZPoints cannot be refunded, withdrawn or exchanged into fiat currency.
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- Verze2.0.8
- Aktualizováno31. května 2024
- FunkceNabízí nákupy v aplikaci
- Velikost3.24MiB
- JazykyJazyky: 19
- Vývojář
- Neobchodnický subjektTento vývojář se neidentifikoval jako obchodník. Spotřebitele v Evropské unii upozorňujeme, že se na smlouvy mezi vámi a tímto vývojářem nevztahují spotřebitelská práva.
Ochrana soukromí
Vývojář deklaruje, že vaše údaje
- Nebudou prodány třetím stranám, s výjimkou schválených případů
- Nebudou použity nebo předány za účelem, který nesouvisí s hlavní funkci položky
- Nebudou použity nebo předány pro potřeby určení úvěruschopnosti nebo za účelem poskytnutí půjčky
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