Add URL To Window Title - Chrome Web Store
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Add URL To Window Title


7 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung3.000 Nutzer
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Add full URL or hostname of the current page to the window title. Helps other apps, e.g., KeePass, identify current page.

Add the full URL or hostname of the current web page to the window title. Designed to help other applications identify the current window. Helps KeePass ( to identify the current URL for auto-type. This add-on is designed to add information about the current web page to the Browser Window's title. The add-on was initially designed to facilitate usage of the KeePass's auto-type feature on logon forms, but can likely be used with other password managers or for other purposes where another application needs to monitor the details about the current page opened in a browser (e.g., web development debugging and pen testing). In its most basic usage, this add-on will add the full URL of the current web page running in the active tab of a given browser window. Optionally, the user can configure the addon to only add the hostname. There is also an option which will monitor for when an input or password field is selected and will then add the id and name attributes, in addition to the full URL or hostname, to the window title. This is to provide further granularity for auto-type rules, and is useful for many reasons, such as: * Ensure that you do not start auto-type in a search field which automatically received focus instead of the input field for username or password * Helps create distinct auto-type rules for the username/email field versus the password, which is often needed for two-step logons Learn more at:

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Michael Lawski18.04.2019

Sehr gut. Nutze es zusammen mit Notezilla.


  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    22. Februar 2019
  • Angeboten von
    Eric Goldman
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    5 Sprachen
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