CheerpJ JNLP Runner
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CheerpJ JNLP Runner

ErweiterungTools420 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot
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Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot


Run Java Web Start Applications without Java

CheerpJ JNLP Runner - Run Java Web Start applications without installing Java With the CheerpJ JNLP Runner extension, you can run Java Web Start (JWS) applications on modern browsers without a local Java Desktop installation. JNLP files are XML files that are used to run legacy Java Applications over the network, using the Java Web Start launcher, which usually comes with some distributions of Java. This browser extension, based on the CheerpJ technology, is designed to replace the local Java Desktop installation, and run Java Web Start applications within the browser, without a Java installation. The extension is designed to be simple and easy to use. Once installed, navigate to the website hosting the JNLP file, and the JNLP Runner extension will automatically activate. A new Chrome tab will open, and after agreeing to the license, you'll see the options 'Start Application' and 'Download'. Simply click on 'Start Application', and the Java application will be executed within the browser. The extension is private and secure, runs fully client-side (i.e. it does not contact any server), and does not collect any data or analytics at all. All your data, as well as your application are kept within the boundaries of your browser. This extension, developed by Leaning Technologies, is based on CheerpJ, a JVM/JRE replacement for modern browsers. More information on CheerpJ is available at

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    4. Mai 2024
  • Funktionen
    Bietet In-App-Käufe
  • Angeboten von
    Leaning Technologies Ltd
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
  • Entwickler
    Leaning Technologies Limited
    3rd Floor 207 Regent Street London W1B 3HH GB
  • Händler
    Dieser Entwickler hat sich als Händler gemäß der Definition der Europäischen Union deklariert.


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