Spark Space - AI detector and grading in one tool
10 ratings
Free for teachers grades 6-12. Get detailed, actionable feedback on student writing and detect AI in Google Docs & Classroom.
Key Features: 🧠 AI Detection: Instantly identify AI-generated text to ensure originality and uphold academic standards. ✍️ In-Depth Feedback: Provide actionable suggestions on clarity, structure, grammar, and creativity. 🚀 Seamless Integration: Works effortlessly within Google Docs and Google Classroom, simplifying your workflow. Who Benefits? • Teachers: Save time with tools to detect AI usage and deliver impactful feedback to students. • Students: Elevate writing quality while learning to improve originality and critical thinking. • University Educators: Enhance academic writing while maintaining integrity in higher education. Why Choose This Extension? • Fast and Efficient: Get real-time AI detection and writing analysis. • Easy to Use: Designed for educators and students, making writing improvement accessible and effective. Install now to revolutionize how you teach and evaluate writing!
4.6 out of 510 ratings
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- Version1.1.10
- UpdatedJanuary 15, 2025
- Size640KiB
- LanguagesEnglish (United States)
- DeveloperSpark SpaceWebsite
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