Resize browser's window to mobile, desktion or custom sizes
Easiest and most clever way to resize your borwser's window to mobile, desktop or custom sizes This extension is an open-source 📰 extension. What is it mean for you: ☑ It's mean it's safe. Everyone can inspect the source code. ☑ It's mean that if you're are a developer or intern your more than welcome to contribute code. This extension is another extension of 1ce. Our mission is to advance open-source extensions. Visit our website to learn more, and be part of the community: If you have a question, visit the FAQ section on our website: Usage Guide: 1. Install the extension (Click on the "Add to Chrome") 2. Click on the extension icon (After you install it). 3. select size from the list. 4. click on Resize 5. optionally, you can add custom sizes by the bottom inputs. Just fill width and (optionally) height sizes, only digits then press resize. 6. press save to save your custom size for further use. 4. To delete custom size, select it from list then click "remove". For more instruction visit the website: Permissions explain: We need "window" permission to resize your window. We don't use this permission to anything else. Data Usage: We do not record any of your data usage. Everything stay private on your machine, until your decide you want to share it.
- Versione1.1.1
- Ultimo aggiornamento:17 giugno 2018
- Dimensioni61.78KiB
- Lingue30 lingue
- Sviluppatore
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