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The Dinosaur Game begins within the beginnings of the dry season in the 'Mossy Plain', where are Araucaria trees and some grownup Diplodocus, together with the presence of one dragonfly. From this zone you'll be able to visit the 'Leave', towards the 'Forest' or even to the 'Dry Riverbed' mountain. In the Desert, that is full of cycads, you'll discover a pair of pterosaurs flying, some youth Diplodocus that are pursued by Al (the Allosaurus In The Ballad of Big Al), who generally kills the smaller one, but is uncommon that he does not, and then afterwards attempts to assault one of the bigger Diplodocus, but neglects to eliminate it, and Al passes away of his injuries. Towards the south, two Stegosaurus (one dead, caught in quick sand). Within the middle of the Dry Riverbed you'll be able to see some dinosaur tracks which are from the hatchling Diplodocus and an Allosaurus; once you arrive in the end of the riverbed you will discover the Allosaurus (female) eating the Diplodocus, seemingly she eliminated him. In the Forest are primarily redwood trees and tree ferns, initially you will not discover animals but an Allosaurus nest that's later plundered by a Ornitholestes (not featured, just suggested within the news, however, itis sounds could be observed in the forest, readily recognized as the noises of the ornitholestes in Walking with Dinosaurs.) and later noted through an upset mother. The forest includes a tunnel, where you are able to discover stalactites, that links with the 'Crater'. That zone consist mainly of a lake (which is actually a submerged crater) encompassed by walls, where are numerous Bennettitales and enjoy in the Mossy Plain, a single dragonfly. There will be news suggesting that the pathway was opened in a Desert cliff, when you find all the species and place features. Following that, you will have the ability to increase, and delay this one of the pterosaurs come in your area for 'marking him' and travel to your fresh secret area, the 'Salt Lake'. A different way to access the Salt Lake would be to label in the border of the Desert at the farthest distance onto the Diplodocus, when you get to the wall, then complement the wall untag, and you'll get to the Salt Lake. This is done without having found anything within the game.