This text-to-speech extension reads text on any web page out with natural voices. People can listen to the text content on the go while doing other things, no need to stare at the screen or page. The text-to-speech extension by Panopreter is an easy-to-use tool to read the web page content out. Just click on the pop up menu, the selected text or all the text on the web page will be read out with natural sounding voices. The speech synthesis occurs locally on your computer and the text will never be sent to the internet. Users can pause or resume the speech, adjust the volume and speed of the speech. Here is the detail for installing the text to speech add-on for Chrome web browser: https://www.panopreter.com/en/products/panopreter/browseraddon.php
- バージョン1.0.0.1
- 更新:2022年10月30日
- 提供元Panopreter Software
- サイズ63.7KiB
- 言語9 言語
- デベロッパー
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