Поиск по изображению на Alibaba - Интернет-магазин Chrome
Поиск по изображению на Alibaba: изображение логотипа

Поиск по изображению на Alibaba


101 оценка

РасширениеПокупки3 000 пользователей
Скриншот: 4
Скриншот: 5
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Скриншот: 2
Скриншот: 3
Скриншот: 4
Скриншот: 5
Скриншот: 1
Скриншот: 2
Скриншот: 1
Скриншот: 2
Скриншот: 3
Скриншот: 4
Скриншот: 5


Ищите любой товар в один клик на Alibaba.

Search by Image on Alibaba is an innovative browser extension designed to make your online shopping experience on the Alibaba platform as simple and streamlined as possible. With our extension, you can quickly and easily find the perfect products at the best prices. With the tremendous growth of e-commerce in recent years, Alibaba has emerged as one of the most popular and widely-used platforms for online shopping. However, with millions of products available, finding the right item can often be a challenge. This is where the Search by Image on Alibaba extension comes in, providing users with a range of powerful tools and features that make it easy to find the products they need quickly and efficiently. The Search by Image on Alibaba extension is a must-have tool for anyone who shops on Alibaba regularly. One of the key features of the extension is its ability to analyze images and return a range of suitable Alibaba products based on a range of parameters. Whether you are looking for clothing, electronics, or any other type of product, the extension can quickly identify and present a selection of products that match the image you have uploaded. To use the extension, all you need to do is right-click on any image in your browser and select "Product Search". The extension will then upload the image to the server, analyze it using its trained neural network, and return a selection of suitable Alibaba products. With this powerful tool at your fingertips, you can quickly and easily find the products you need without having to spend hours searching through the Alibaba website. In addition to its powerful image search capabilities, the Search by Image on Alibaba extension also provides users with a range of other useful features and tools. For example, the extension allows you to view real prices for Alibaba products, making it easy to compare prices and choose the best option for your needs. The extension also provides users with access to a huge selection of eligible products, ensuring that you always have a wide range of options to choose from. One of the key advantages of the Search by Image on Alibaba extension is its ease of use. Unlike many other browser extensions, the extension is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to all Internet users. This means that even if you are not familiar with complex technical concepts, you can still benefit from the powerful features and tools that the extension provides. Overall, if you are an avid Alibaba shopper, the Search by Image on Alibaba extension is an essential tool that can help you save time, money, and effort. Whether you are looking for clothing, electronics, or any other type of product, the extension can quickly and easily find the products you need, with real prices and a wide range of options to choose from. So why wait? Download the Search by Image on Alibaba extension today and start enjoying a better, more streamlined shopping experience on Alibaba!

4,9 из 5101 оценка

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  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    16 июня 2023 г.
  • Размер
  • Языки
    Поддерживаемых языков: 12
  • Разработчик
    Электронная почта
  • Не продавец
    Разработчик не указал для себя статус продавца. Просим клиентов из Европейского союза обратить внимание, что на сделки между вами и этим разработчиком не распространяются законы о защите прав потребителей.


Разработчик сообщил, что продукт не собирает и не использует ваши данные. Чтобы узнать больше, ознакомьтесь с политикой конфиденциальности разработчика.

Этот разработчик утверждает, что ваши данные:

  • Не продаются третьим лицам, за исключением разрешенных вариантов использования
  • Не используются и не передаются в целях, не связанных с работой основных функций продукта
  • Не используются и не передаются для определения платежеспособности или в целях кредитования


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