Новая вкладка Infinity - Интернет-магазин Chrome
Новая вкладка Infinity: изображение логотипа

Новая вкладка Infinity


11,6 тыс. оценок

РасширениеФункции и интерфейс500 000 пользователей
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Скриншот: 6
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Свободно добавляйте значки веб-сайтов, пользуйтесь обоями высокого разрешения с облачного диска, а также быстро получайте доступ к…

Based on the past knowledge, Infinity considers that New Tab should be equipped with better features and minimalist design. Today we redefine New Tab as a pursuit of minimalist aesthetics, one-stop service experience and less content for more features. A new generation of tab means a more accessible and powerful New Tab. Allow elegant and easy use of chrome. Infinity New Tab: Customize chrome New Tab; Open an era of page adding, which means that the URL will be added to the New Tab no matter which page you are browsing; Goggle Mail Reminder, Weather Tips, Todos, History Management, App Management, Notepad Application like Evernote, HD wallpapers, Bing, Baidu and Goggle Search can all be innovatively found in New Tab. Offer more simple and convenient applications. Infinity Features: 1. Wonderful Icons: With flat design style, including more than 200 domestic and international popular icons. 2. HD Wallpapers: Carefully select 365 wallpapers from 35,000 HD ones to match the icons so that a new wallpaper is available for each specific day; Of course, you may also select the pictures from your computer as the wallpaper 3. Cloud Sync: Back up real-time data to the Cloud, and allow Onekey Recovery from the Cloud. 4. Intelligent Mail Notification: Gmail Mail Reminder. 5. Todos: Check the things to be done and the things that have been done at any time. 6. Personalized Search: Select your favorite search engine and customize additional personal search engine. 7. App Extension Management: Manage your extensions quickly and conveniently. 8. History Management: View your search history. 9. Notepad: Record life details. Infinity is a New Tab Page extension for Chrome, it based on html5 and redefined your Chrome new tab. Compared with Chrome original new tab, infinity allows you to add your favorite websites by yourself.We redrawed hundreds of icons to build your cloud application platform, of course, you can also customize the icons for these sites. In addition, the background image of the new tab page is able to be changed, just use your own images or use the function of automatic change wallpaper. We also integrated weather, todos, notes, and other functions in infinity.It even display your Gmail messages and notifications. Experience smooth and nice interface is our specialty, hurry to try it. More powerful New Tab Quick Start, Speed Dial Unparalleled smooth experience Add your favorite websites at will Cloud Sync FOR FREE Redrawed hundreds of icons to build your cloud application platform Each speed dial item has its own icon You may also use your images to design beautiful icons for the website Even available to adjust the Border Radius and Opacity of icons Fast and powerful search engine Integrate popular search engines like Google and Bing Smart Website Tips Custom additional search engines, such as Wikipedia and DuckDuckGo Remind you of your work Integrate the most used Todos and Gmail Get your unread mails and display notifications The subscripts will tell you how much work remaining Weather Tips Automatically get the weather in your city The icon reflects the real-time weather conditions Weather forecast for the week wind, atmospheric pressure and other weather information 365 Wallpapers for You Automatically change the wallpaper every day to bring you a new mood You may use your own images as the wallpapers Privacy Policy: http://infinitynewtab.com/terms.html

4,6 из 511,6 тыс. оценок

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Отличное расширение!

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тоже часто слетает все сохраненное

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За GPT респект! Давно пользуюсь, крутое расширение, еще и добавили ИИ)

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  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    18 апреля 2024 г.
  • Размер
  • Языки
    Поддерживаемых языков: 33
  • Разработчик
    shaobing keji
    赛迪路 jinshangshangyezhogzhongxin 渝北区, 重庆市 400024 CN
    Электронная почта
  • Продавец
    Этот разработчик заявил, что является продавцом согласно определению Европейского Союза.


Разработчик сообщил, что продукт не собирает и не использует ваши данные.

Этот разработчик утверждает, что ваши данные:

  • Не продаются третьим лицам, за исключением разрешенных вариантов использования
  • Не используются и не передаются в целях, не связанных с работой основных функций продукта
  • Не используются и не передаются для определения платежеспособности или в целях кредитования


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