Калькулятори магії - Веб-магазин Chrome
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Калькулятори магії


12 оцінок

1 000 користувачів
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 1)


430 Calculators!! Free financial, health, conversions, fun, scientific, math calculators for anything and everything.

*Financial Calculators Financial calculators can do everything from help you to calculate your net worth to calculate the debt to equity ratio of a business or individual to even help you to calculate the cost of your mortgage points. *Health Calculators Health calculators can do everything from calculate your one rep max for weight lifting to calculate just how in shape you are with VO2 Max Calculator to calculate your BMI to – well – just about anything! *Conversion Calculators Conversion calculators can do anything from convert kilograms to pounds and pounds to kilograms and miles to kilometers and kilometers to miles. *Fun Calculators Fun & creative calculators are just that! Fun! *Scientific Calculators Scientific calculators can do everything from basic math functions like factorials and exponents to more advanced trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, and even hyberbolic trigonometric functions like hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine, etc. *Math Calculators Math calculators can help you solve almost any math problem that you want to think up.

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  • Версія
  • Оновлено
    23 червня 2017 р.
  • Розмір
  • Мови
    Кількість мов: 37
  • Розробник
    Електронна пошта
  • Не продавець
    Цей розробник не ідентифікував себе як продавець. Зверніть увагу, що права споживачів у Європейському Союзі не поширюються на контракти з цим розробником.


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