Доодле Јумп за Цхроме игру - Chrome веб-продавница
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Доодле Јумп за Цхроме игру


5 оцена

ДодатакИгре533 корисници
Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана


Играјте игру Доодле Јумп за Цхроме као проширење за Цхроме - такође можете да играте без интернета, испробајте одмах!

Description: Dive into the nostalgic world of endless jumping with "Doodle Jump for Chrome" – a playful and addictive Chrome extension that brings the classic Doodle Jump experience to your browser! Transform your browsing sessions into a delightful adventure as you guide the iconic doodle character on an epic journey through the virtual skies. Key Features: Endless Jumping Fun: Enjoy the timeless joy of infinite jumping, reminiscent of the beloved mobile game, Doodle Jump. Simple Controls: Navigate effortlessly with easy-to-use controls. Simply click or tap to guide the doodle character higher and higher. Vibrant Graphics: Immerse yourself in a visually appealing world filled with vibrant colors and charming doodle-style graphics. Compete for High Scores: Challenge yourself to reach new heights and compete with friends for the highest scores. Keep climbing and set new personal records! Browser Integration: Seamlessly integrated into your Chrome browser, this extension allows you to enjoy the game without leaving your favorite websites. How to Play: Click or tap anywhere on the webpage to make the doodle character jump. Aim for platforms and avoid obstacles to climb higher. Challenge yourself to beat your high score with each play! Note: This extension is a fan-made tribute to the original Doodle Jump game. It provides a simplified, browser-friendly version for a quick dose of fun during your online adventures. Install "Doodle Jump for Chrome" today and embark on a jumping journey that will transport you back to the golden age of mobile gaming! Feel free to customize and enhance this description to better suit the unique features and characteristics of your Chrome extension. # Play more games on the top-left menu.

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  • Верзија
  • Ажурирано
    25. новембар 2023.
  • Величина
  • Језици
    38 језика
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