Ātrāks Downloader Manager | Bezmaksas lejupielādētājs - Google interneta veikals
Ātrāks Downloader Manager | Bezmaksas lejupielādētājs: vienuma logotipa attēls

Ātrāks Downloader Manager | Bezmaksas lejupielādētājs


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PaplašinājumsDarbplūsma un plānošana513 lietotāju
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 1
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 2


Ātri piekļūstiet lejupielāžu sarakstam.

Whether you're looking for a quick download or a more sophisticated tool, you can find a faster download manager to suit your needs. They're easy to use and come with a variety of valuable features. Many faster download managers can resume failed downloads. Some also have a scheduling feature that can be synced with your alarms. They also allow you to control the amount of bandwidth each download uses. Speedy downloads Faster Downloader Manager provides various features to increase download speeds and improve file organization. These include prioritization, segmented downloads, and support for BitTorrent files. It also offers a multi-threading architecture to split your downloads into sections and simultaneously send them over multiple connections. This can significantly speed up your downloads and save you time in the long run. Another great feature of Faster Downloader Manager is that it can resume interrupted downloads if your internet connection crashes. This is important if you download large files and don't want to waste valuable data or time by starting from scratch. It also supports downloading from password-protected websites and allows you to import your favorite download links. It also has a scheduler that runs downloads when your computer is idle or according to a schedule you set. Easy to use Downloader Manager is a free program that allows you to download files from the internet. It's easy to use and can be configured with several features, including scheduling and traffic shaping. It can also be used to download many files recursively, as well as to check for malware. It can also be configured to automatically pass files to your anti-virus software for scanning, which is a good idea, especially if you download large files. You can also use it to monitor the progress of your downloads and pause or resume them if they become interrupted. It can also help you organize your downloads by assigning them to subfolders. Another great feature is that you can use it to download YouTube videos. You can copy the URL of the video you want to download, paste it into the program, and it will automatically start downloading parts. Supports multiple connections A good download manager can offer a variety of features, including support for multiple connections. This allows you to set a certain number of links to each file, and it can also help increase the speed of your downloads. Moreover, it can resume broken downloads and pause individual downloads to give them time to complete. This feature is handy if you download large files over a long period. You can also schedule several downloads in a queue at a specified time and date. This can be helpful if you want to take advantage of Happy Hours or free download times from your ISP.

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  • Atjaunināts
    2023. gada 21. februāris
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    Valodu skaits: 54
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