
Chrome की रंगीन थीम

Chrome टीम की ओर से शुभकामनाओं के साथ ♥

गहरे और काले रंग वाली थीम

अपने ब्राउज़र को गहरा रंग दें

Material Simple Dark Grey

4.6(1.3 हज़ार)

A simple, darker grey theme with a fully dark header and header bar.

Into The Black Hole - True Amoled Black Theme


True Dark Black Theme, easy for the eyes, fitted for any type of display, but especially for Amoled screens

Slinky सुरुचिपूर्ण

4.7(5.6 हज़ार)

Smart. Simple. Beautiful Theme.

Deep Dark


Deep Dark. Carbon Texture with Blue Text Inspired by FT DeepDark. From www.actualmanx.com

Aero - Extra Black


** update.. I made this a million years ago and now the Manifest V2 deprecation might break this, i will try to re-build this if i…

प्यार को महसूस करें

अपनी स्क्रीन को प्यारी चीज़ों से भर दें

Ruby - Red Google Chrome Theme


Red and light red theme for google chrome. Works for both the header and header bar.

Pink Pixel Hearts


A cute light soft pink pixel heart Google Chrome theme



Hearts Theme For Chrome - This Theme Is Free To Download & Comes With Free Lifetime Updates... •CHROME THEMES ->-…

Shades of Pink


Shades of Pink Theme For Chrome - This Theme Is Free To Download & Comes With Free Lifetime Updates... •CHROME THEMES ->-…

Simply Pink


Simply Pink Theme For Chrome - This Theme Is Free To Download & Comes With Free Lifetime Updates... •CHROME THEMES ->-…

अफ़्रीकी मूल के कलाकारों की सीरीज़

अफ़्रीकी मूल के कलाकारों के बनाए हुए Chrome बैकग्राउंड एक्सप्लोर करें

अंतरिक्ष वाली थीम

तारे, ग्रह, आकाशगंगाएं वगैरह

Space Sunrise


Земля и Луна


Невероятная тема оформления для Atavi.com

Space Planet

4.6(2.7 हज़ार)

The planet Saturn and its rings depicted in blue space.

Space Lagoon


A flat blue/green theme with a nebula as a background, engulfing the icons and search field. V2: - higher resolution for the…

The Space

4.4(1 हज़ार)

Для всех любителей космоса, представляю вам обновленную версию с Full Hd разрешением и изменением цветов кнопок и вкладок.

सुकून भरी थीम

Chrome की सुकून भरी थीम के साथ, अपने दिन को खुशनुमा बनाएं

Color Fusion


Color Fusion by chromethemer.com - Color meltdown your browser! This theme for Chrome is free to download & comes with free…

Shaded Purple


It's simply more than just a purple theme. The smoothness of the gradient seamlessly flows through out your entire browser and…

Catppuccin Chrome Theme - Macchiato


Soothing pastel theme for Google Chrome - Catppuccin Macchiato

Forest environment


Forest Sunset illustration theme brings a new look to your Chrome, Edge and Brave browser

Lavender Blossom


Lavender Blossom Theme For Chrome - This Theme Is Free To Download & Comes With Free Lifetime Updates... •CHROME THEMES ->-…

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