Temas de color de Chrome
Con todo el cariño del equipo de Chrome ♥
Oscurece tu navegador
Material Simple Dark Grey
4,6(1,3 mil)A simple, darker grey theme with a fully dark header and header bar.
Into The Black Hole - True Amoled Black Theme
4,7(316)True Dark Black Theme, easy for the eyes, fitted for any type of display, but especially for Amoled screens
Crea un ambiente cálido y acogedor
Falling Autumn
5,0(12)Beautiful falling autumn leaves on a mystical, misty morning in the woods. https://www.chromethemer.com/contact/
5,0(4)The interface is an image of falling leaves stacked on top of each other in color order from green, yellow and reddish brown, which…
Serie de artistas emergentes
El lienzo del mañana
Estrellas, planetas, galaxias y mucho más
Escenas terroríficas
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